Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My ARTIfiCIal OrCHid

This is the orchid that I have made for the past week(s). The most difficult part is to cover the wire with crepe paper. That was probably the hardest and it took a lot of time too. I learned that in making the orchid, again, PaTIence is definitely a virtue here. I mean it really broke me down. I was so tired to the point that i want to stop. But the result paid the price. My mom and tita said it was nice. I was so happy that all my work, effort, and time paid off. I am selling this artificial orchid to everyone who wants to be released from their sadness. I made this orchid extra special. This is one of the handicraft I made that I'm proud of.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Of bUTtERfliES and DrAgonFLIes

These are the pics of my "flies". Sorry if medyo blurred . In making my flies, I learned one thing, Patience. The significance of these is that it allows my skills and patience to be tested. It also develops my determination to create things like these. These artificial butterflies and dragonflies remind me of the wonderful creatures we have in this world. So if anyone of you wants to buy from me, just comment me back. I have made these especially with my own hands so it took a lot of effort plus I think it also looks cool. These tiny critters may always remind you to admire the beauty of this world

Sunday, March 16, 2008

leSSOns LEarnED

Well another school year has definitely end. I've been deadly waiting for summer actually. As a review, the things I've learned are about HTML, Dev C++, Blog, Flowcharts and Handicraft. For HTML, it was actually fun because I was able to create web pages, a mini web site, and the like. It was a fun learning experience for me. I had [or did the whole class too], trouble with DeV C. That was probably one of the most difficult things I have encountered in my whole life. Plus, we were given challenging handsOn so with was a lot of work and headache trying to figure out what the codes are. The FlowCHart was alright but not totally because it was still pretty puzzling. As for the HandiCRaFt, I had fun but time was of the essence.


My fave movie so far is "CLIck". I chose this movie 'coz the first time I watched it, I was so shocked at the turning point of the story. At the trailer, I thought it was all comedy and that but I was really surprised how the plot changed emotionally. By the way, Adam Sandler was leading in this film. The part that struck me most was the ending where Adam Sandler was about to die in the rain. He was chasing his son to tell him something. The setting was so 'ahhh..' I mean the rain and all that. He was actually sick and it was in the hospital. The character that I can relate the most is of course Michael Newman(Sandler). Sometimes in life, I want to rush things and I want to skip through problematic days. But int his movie I realize that NO, we should go with the flow and not ruin the schedule of each event in our life. Each event happens at the right time of our life because of a purpose. So if I were you, just chill and don't rush.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I was actually having fun while making this picture frame. It has been a long time since I have done anything like this. I really love doing stuff like this because it expresses your personality. And by the way, that is my picture when I was a baby. I think that my picture frame is unique from others. I think that it's special because I made it myself. I think it's more durable because I made it from a box.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Family Day

Last February 24, 2008, the High School held its Family Day'08. The day started with a motorcade from La Purisima Campus to the WHK Campus. A mass followed for the different religious organizations. The Holy Mass was led by Fr. Antonio Moreno and the Worship Service by Pastor Yra Lee. After the mass was the fun-filled program for all the year level families. The program had games, bands, raffle promo and other activities that brought families closer. The program lasted until the evening and ended with the magical fireworks. It was indeed a very beautiful night for the family to bond and to share happy moments. The class of II St. Campion won the prize for the highest in attendance. But beyond this prize was the assurance that indeed the families that attended were very happy and satisfied. I bet that they went home with big smile ont heir faces. The Family Day '08 was indeed a success!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cupid Pencil

Cupid Pencil for my sister...

Handicraft Ko

Valentines Scroll ko for my Math Teacher
"Ma'am Diniay"

Monday, February 11, 2008

On This Day

"Valentines Day is not a day to be celebrated, it's a moment worth cherishing forever."

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Mirror

I have a mirror standing in front of me
It's the image I can't clearly see
I can't recognized the person in front of me
It may just be a totally different person you see.

Sometimes I don't know myself
I have to go beyond that reflection
'Coz judging by the situation
My inner self is experiencing a commotion

My brain is having a dilemma
On how to describe myself
Maybe I'm just a simple person
That you should know yourself

The mirror in front of me has been shattered
Finally, the true me is revealed
Now I know that I'm unique
And different from everybody else

Forever Friends myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Friends Comments

Monday, February 4, 2008

"True friendship is a plant of slow growth..."

True friendship takes a long time to grow and develop. It is like a plant who starts from a seed and slowly grows into a beautiful creation of God. No matter what problems this plant may encounter like wind, rain, or dryness, a fully rooted plant will not wear down, just like the true bonding between two individuals. After all, friendship is stronger in its core. "Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing."

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My First Blog

A very useful tool
In our offices and in school
Not only a piece of project
Enjoyable experience instead.

That is the beauty of HTML
You can create yourself in another world.
Poems, stories, and pictures
Eveything you want you can never measure.

Congratulations to you Mr. Tim- Berners Lee
For creating the HTML
I can express myself for free
And can tell the whole wide world!

dated: Jan. 30, 2008